NSH EMS Teaches First In-House EMR-Refresher Course

In addition to our in-house EMT program

NSH EMS Teaches First In-House EMR-Refresher Course


In addition to our in-house EMT program, we have added the EMR-Initial and EMR-Refresher courses at North Shore Health.

Often times, Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are the first on scene to a medical and/or trauma call. They play a vital part in first response.

At NSH EMS, we have a close relationship with our area responders and are thrilled to be a part of their education and ongoing development.

Congratulations to responders from Grand Portage Ambulance, Lutsen Fire & Rescue, and North Shore Health EMS for successfully completing their EMR-Refresher course with us!

It was a pleasure having you in class.

Our EMR-Initial course kicks off October 14th!


-Karla, Director of EMS

-Meghan, Education Coordinator