In Memory of Char Maciejewski
- Jean Lynch
- West End Garden Club
- Gary Maciejewski
- Mary Morin
In Memory of Virgil Lindquist
- Nancy Lindquist
- Nancy Gongoll
- Michael Carlson
- Darlene and Michael Quaife
- Lorraine and Thomas Brayden
- Barb Heideman and Duane Hasegawa
In memory of Walt Mianowski
In Memory of Loretta “Honey” Rosen
In Memory of Joyce Kruger
- Coralyn Koschinska
- West End Garden Club
- Diane Marsyla
- Jane Johnson
- Judith Brisky
- Mary Lou Huron
- Shirley Lindgren
- Karin Goodell
- Virginia Storlie
- LaVonne Anderson
In Memory of Doug Anderson
In Memory of Ed Olson
In Memory of Shirley and Don Hewitt
- Mark and Candy Leonard
- Leonard Charitable Foundation
In Memory of Robert Sopoci
In Memory of Mildred Norval Indritz
General Garden Donations
- Nancy and John Koloski
- Gerry Grant
- Joan Ferry
- Myron Bursheim
- Ann Mershon
- Jetty St. John
- Jim Boyd
- Kathy Kippley
- Karen Halbersleben
- Jack Miller
- American Legion Auxiliary, Post 413
- Edward and Kathryn Bolstad
- Virginia Detrick Palmer, Coldwell Banker North Shore
- Bethel Blank
- Bonnie Gay and Howard Hedstrom
- Carroll Peterson
- Caroline Hollstadt
- Judi and Peter Barsness
- Deborah Rebischke
- Emera Chapter #160, Order of Eastern Star
Ronald and Cynthia Katz Fund in honor of Leslie Klein