Colon Cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the United States. It is often silent: by the time people experience symptoms, the disease is often advanced, making it difficult to treat.

Having a colonoscopy allows the doctor to examine the lining of your large intestine using a camera attached to a thin flexible tube. Colonoscopies are the most effective way to catch colorectal cancers in their earliest and most treatable stages. What is more encouraging is if the doctor spots and removes polyps in your colon before they turn cancerous, the disease can be stopped in its tracks!

Colonoscopies can also be used to assist in the diagnosis of other inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as diverticulosis and other more rare forms of colitis. 

The Benefits of Local Treatment

Having your colonoscopy done at North Shore Health allows you to prep for the procedure while in the comfort of your own home. Travel for the procedure is just a ride to Grand Marais, and when the procedure is done, you won’t have a long distance to travel back home to rest and recover.

When Should I Have a Colonoscopy?

The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that most adults start being screened for colon cancer at age 45. There are 4 categories of acceptable test types. Stool based tests are reasonable for persons at average risk. A colonoscopy may be recommended sooner if you have a personal or family history of colorectal cancers or colorectal polyps, have an inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis, or have other genetic risk factors. Talk to your primary care provider about your family history and other risk factors, as well as other symptoms or diagnosis that will determine whether a colonoscopy is recommended.

How to Do I Get a Referral?

Ask your primary care provider for a referral for a colonoscopy and indicate you would like to have your procedure at North Shore Health. When we receive your referral, a nurse will call you to schedule your appointment. You will also be given instructions on what preparation is necessary in the days prior to your procedure.

What to Expect

When you arrive at North Shore Health you will register for your procedure at the registration desk. Registration staff will notify our nurse’s station that you have arrived. A nurse will bring you to a private room for pre-procedure preparation and post-procedure recovery. The private room has a TV, guest WIFI access, and a private bathroom. There is also room for those who may accompany you for during your procedure.

Our dedicated procedure room is within North Shore Hospital. We have conscious sedation available to patients to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. During your procedure, polyps may be removed and biopsies taken for further diagnostic analysis.

We have updated our sedation options to include propofol. This provides more consistent sedation and less discomfort during the procedure. The NSH nursing staff have received extra training in administering this med and we have collaborated to make this improvement in the service. Previously, some patients who are on some chronic pain meds or with difficult colon anatomy needed to have their colonoscopy in Duluth. Now we can provide that service for most of them locally.

Nursing staff will be with you before, during, and after your procedure. Your doctor will meet with you after your procedure to discuss any findings or concerns. You will need to have a driver arranged to bring you home as it is not recommended you operate a motor vehicle for 24 hrs following your procedure.

If you have questions about our colonoscopy services, please call the Colonoscopy Scheduling Nurse at (218) 387-3271.