Our Medical Records/Health Information Department will be happy to send your records to a provider, clinic, or hospital for continuation of care at no cost to you.
Authorization for Release of Medical Information can be done by downloading and completing the form below. To have the form mailed, faxed or emailed call the Medical Records/Health Information Department at 218-387-3509.
Download Authorization for Release of Medical Information
Mail or Fax the completed form to:
North Shore Health
Attn: Medical Records
515 5th Ave West
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Fax 218-387-3502
Patients have the right to request review of their medical record and/or to receive copies of their medical record for as long as it is maintained by the facility. The request must be made in writing and a reasonable fee may be charged.
You may also enroll in HospitalChart for 24/7 access to your health information. Visit our HospitalChart page for more information and instructions on how to enroll.
You may also download a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices.
For additional information, call the Medical Records Department at 218-387-3509.