National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Know the Importance of Early Detection

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


Colon Cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the US. It is often silent; by the time people experience symptoms, the disease is often advanced, making it difficult to treat.

Having a colonoscopy allows the doctor to examine the lining of your large intestine using a camera attached to a thin flexible tube. Colonoscopies are the most effective way to catch colorectal cancers in their earliest and most treatable stages. What is more encouraging is if the doctor spots and removes polyps in your colon before they turn cancerous, the disease can be stopped in its tracks.

Colonoscopies can also be used to assist in the diagnosis of other inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as diverticulosis and other more rare forms of colitis.
Please visit our website to learn more about:
• The Benefits of Local Treatment
• When Should I Have a Colonoscopy?
• How Do I Get a Referral?
• What to Expect

If you have questions about our colonoscopy services, please call the Colonoscopy Scheduling Nurse at (218) 387-3271.