Overcoming Stigma in Mental Health

Chandra White, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Overcoming Stigma in Mental Health


In partnership with Wilderness Health and Adaptive Telehealth, North Shore Health (NSH) recently announced their new telehealth provider relationship with Chandra White, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Chandra has graciously made her services available to our patients with mental health needs via the Emergency Department TeleMental Health program.

“We wanted to share this letter from Chandra with our community so they have a greater understanding of her capabilities, experience and approach to mental healthcare,” said Kimber Wraalstad, NSH CEO.

Please read on:

Overcoming Stigma in Mental Health

My name is Chandra White and I am a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I have over 20 years of education and experience in the nursing and psychiatric field. Over the years, I have developed a strong passion for holistic wellness, and my ultimate goal is to create a wellness system that is fully integrated, providing maximum holistic care and promoting balance between physical and emotional health. Although prevention and treatment of disease are a necessity, these are often reactive approaches, and there are many more proactive approaches to support overall well-being. I am hoping to start a semi-regular column as a platform to explore, educate and discuss some topics related to supporting a healthy mind-set while maintaining and/or achieving physical, emotional, and spiritual balance in individuals, families and our communities. My first topic is about the ongoing stigmatization of mental illness.

As the world progressively embraces diversity and inclusivity in many areas, one significant topic continues to grasp for acceptance – the realm of mental health. There is a pervasive stigma surrounding mental health issues that has persisted for too long, casting a shadow over millions of lives. It is time we recognized the need to tear down these barriers and begin fostering environments of empathy, understanding and support for those dealing with mental health challenges.

Despite strides in raising awareness about mental health and mental illness, stigma remains deeply embedded in our societal fabric. Misconceptions and stereotypes persist, which create an environment of fear and shame. Those facing mental health issues often find themselves battling not only their condition, but also fear of judgment, discrimination, and isolation. This presents significant barriers to seeking help, often silencing those in need and preventing them from accessing the support and resources crucial for recovery. In return, we are left with a cycle of suffering as individuals struggle with mental health challenges alone, often exacerbating the severity of their conditions.

In order to overcome mental health stigma, there needs to be a comprehensive educational effort. We must dispel myths while fostering understanding about mental health in order to empower individuals. Mental health is a spectrum that affects all people from all walks of life. It is not a sign of weakness, but facet of the human experience.

Media can play a significant role in the influence of public perceptions through responsible portrayal of mental health, challenging stereotypes and contributing to a more transparent understanding. Celebrities and public figures sharing their own mental health journeys may have a positive impact by normalizing conversation and encouraging others to seek help without fear of judgment.

Communities, workplaces, and educational institutions must actively cultivate environments that prioritize mental-emotional well-being. Implementing anti-stigma campaigns, mental health awareness programs, and employee assistance initiatives can contribute to a culture where seeking help is not only accepted but encouraged. Companies can play a crucial role by fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health and offers resources and support for employees.

Personal narratives, sharing stories of resilience, recovery, and coping can have a powerful impact on the view of mental health. Your story could inspire others to seek help and positively alter preconceived notions about mental health. When individuals openly discuss their experiences, it humanizes the struggles associated with mental health, fostering a sense of community and understanding.

Overcoming stigma in mental health is a collective responsibility that requires a multidimensional approach. Education, advocacy, and compassionate support are the cornerstones of change. By breaking through the walls of silence and judgment, we can create a world where individuals facing mental health challenges are not only heard but embraced with empathy and understanding. It is time to break free from the chains of stigma and build a society where mental health is recognized as an integral part of our collective well-being.

My immediate goal, and the mission of Chrysalis Wellness, is to provide a comprehensive wellness program that is built on a foundation of acceptance and understanding and free from judgment, while providing individualized care based on your own personal needs, desires and goals. Whether you seek to embrace, transform, heal, or just take a proactive approach to maintaining overall wellness, I am honored to support your journey.

For more information, visit https://www.northshorehealthgm.org/chandra-white or contact Chandra White directly at Chrysalis Wellness PLC: 218-969-7824, chrysaliswellnessplc@gmail.com.