Solo Step Body Weight Support and Track System

Now Available at NSH Rehabilitation Department

Solo Step Body Weight Support and Track System


A huge shout out and special thanks to the Lloyd K Johnson Foundation in their collaboration with the North Shore Health Rehabilitation Department in assisting with purchasing a Solo Step body weight support and track system. This allows individuals to work on balance in different ways with the safety of not hitting the ground in the event of a fall! The sling and harness, that is guided by a track anchored to the ceiling, will catch any person using it while staying out of the person’s way. The Solo Step system lets the person work on different balance activities safely but in fun challenging ways. All while the therapist is able to support the person without having to constantly hold on. This can be used to work on relearning to walk, balance, strokes, stairs, Parkinson’s, neurological or strength deficits, and can be used with a treadmill. If you have any questions if this is right for you, you can call 218-387-3040 and ask to connect with a therapist.